
How to Build High Self Esteem

Below are number of ways on How to Build High Self Esteem, This first set of tips will give you some activities to help increase self esteem on a daily basis.

Be Around Positive People

smiling people

If you surround yourself with negative people, then chances are you will also be a negative person. It’s important that you’re around positive people so that you’ll start to think more positively about your life as well.



Giving yourself positive affirmations throughout the day is a very important way to raise your self esteem. A great way to do this is by making it a habit to constantly acknowledge your good points.

Graph Your Days

Graph made with M & M's

Graphing your days


Graphing your days is a great way to get an idea about your self esteem. Every day before bed, get a piece of paper and graph your day from the time you get up until you go to bed. If part of the day was good, make

your graph higher accordingly. If part of your day was bad, make your graph lower. This can give you a pretty good idea of how you view your world.

Stop Putting Yourself Down

Stop-putting-yourself-down negative thoughts

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I’m so stupid,”or “I never do anything right” This kind of self-talk is very self-destructive. Try to make a conscious effort each day to add positive self-talk to your thinking.


Accept Compliments

free compliments

A person with low self-esteem finds it very hard to accept compliments. Practice saying “thank you” in the mirror. Learning to accept compliments sincerely will start you on the road to higher self-esteem.

Stop Comparing Yourself

stop comparing yourself to others

One of the most self-destructive things you can do is compare yourself to others. The only person you should compare yourself to is you. This is important, because you need to have a clear view of your own talents and abilities.

Compliment Others

compleiments cup

There is no fluctuation in the strength of the compliment

A big step in feeling good about yourself is to compliment others. This will get you thinking about those around you and help you to transition into healthy conversations.

Voice Your Needs

Have Your Say

Voice You needs

Many people with low self-esteem think that they don’t deserve to have their needs met. This is absolutely not true. The sooner you start voicing your needs, the sooner you will feel like a worthwhile person.

List Your Good Qualities

Quality grade A

List You Good Qualities

Use a piece of paper and list all of your good qualities, this is a great way to raise your self-esteem. It may be tough at first, but as you start acknowledging that you have some good qualities, you’ll be on your way to feeling better about yourself.


Positive Thinking

postive thinking

Positive Thinking

Start thinking positive. Rather than playing the “what if” game, thinking of bad things that could happen, start thinking of good things that could happen. When not-so-great things do happen, try to think of a positive spin on it.

Be Around Positive People

smiling people

If you surround yourself with negative people, then chances are you will also be a negative person. It’s important that you’re around positive people so that you’ll start to think more positively about your life as well.

Voice Your Needs


Many people with low self-esteem think that they don’t deserve to have their needs met. This is absolutely not true. The sooner you start voicing your needs, the sooner you will feel like a worthwhile person.

Have Fun!!!


It’s easy to forget to have fun when you’re depressed or have low self esteem. Plan at least one fun thing to do each week that’s just for you. Try to remember the good feelings you have when you do enjoyable things, and find ways to feel them at other times.

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Written by Alex

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