How to remove static from trousers with a Metal Hanger
Its really simple if you are already wearing the trousers, stretch and straighten a metal hanger and reach up each trouser leg and brush down with the metal hanger to stop the static in the trousers.
How to remove static cling from trousers with Vinegar
While washing your trousers to remove static cling add 1/4 cup vinegar during the rinse cycle.
How to stop trousers going static with Borax
To stop trousers going static add a 1/4 cup or less borax to your laundry wash cycle.
How to stop static cling from trousers with liquid fabric softeners
To remove static from clothes use liquid fabric softeners that can be added to the wash cycle to stop static cling in trousers
How to remove static from trousers change the material
Think about buying trousers made from natural materials such as cotton rather than polyester or nylon as they tend suffer from less static to reduce static cling.
How to stop static in nylon trousers with a clothes line
To stop trousers going static dry your trousers on the clothes line. This stops the static on your trousers clinging completely.
How to remove static from trousers use a dryer sheet
Use dryer sheets in the dryer as a method to reduce static cling on trousers and make trousers feel softer. Dryer sheets are easy to add to the dryer and you just remove them when finished.
How to remove static from trousers with Skin Lotion
To stop the trousers from clinging to you, moisturize your skin with lotion just before wearing them on. Or use a small amount of skin moisturizer and rub it inside the trouser leg to stop static cling.
How do you remove static from trousers with Hair Spray
Hair spray is another inexpensive method of removing static from clothing. Spray the pair of trousers very lightly with hair spray to get rid of static cling. Ensure you hold the hair spray at least a few feet away to stop the trouser fabric from going stiff.