
Carpet Smell How to stop it

Carpet Smell by john yayaCarpet smells can are really easy and cheap to get rid off if you follow the instruction below you carpet smell will be no more.

Carpet Smell to get rid of it you will need the ingredients below

  • 1 Jar
  • Baking Soda
  • Essential Oil of your choice
  • Carpet smell which you want gone
  • A Vacuum

Carpet Smell what you need to do to stop it

  1. To get rid of the carpet smell first fill the a jar with baking soda.
  2. Now add a few essential oil drops one at a time to you carpet smell busting powder. Now stir to stop any clumping of the powder from happening.
  3. Take you carpet smell busting powder and lightly sprinkle over the smelly carpet.
  4. Leave for about 20 minutes or longer then vacuum.

Carpet Smell Tips

When tackling a smelly carpet ensure the carpet is bone dry otherwise you will have a white stain plus a smelly carpet!!!

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Written by Alex

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