Be very careful when tweezing as it is very easy to over tweeze and that can result to very many weeks with spare eyebrow hair missing. Sometimes it can take months till a year for your hair to grow back properly. Remember when you’re eyebrow shaping that the space between your eyebrows that it should be equal or a little wider than your eyes. A simple tip to find the space use a eye shadow brush and hold it parallel to the side of your nose. The brush should meet your eyebrows, and that is where the brow should start. If you’re looking for the end of your brow take the brush and move it diagonally from your nose. Follow the outside edge of your eye toward your brow. When the inside edge of the brush hits is where you eyebrow should end.
Follow your natural arch of your eyebrow. To find your arch take the brush and hold it parallel to the outside edges of your iris. Where the brush meets the brow is the highest part of where your brow should be.
When shaping your eyebrows choose a room where the light can shine in through a window so that you can see all of your eyebrow hair. The bathroom is one of the best places because you can also use the mirror. You can also try a magnifying mirror but be careful as it it easy to over tweeze.
Always pluck your eyebrows in the direction in which the hair grows when plucking. Aim to tweeze as little hair as you can, to avoid an over plucked look. Use your hand to hold the skin as it will make it easier.
To achieve a smooth clean eye brow shape you need to tweeze both the top and bottom of the brow, but remember less is more. Go slowing as you tweeze.
Check your brow as you go along. You might want to pull away from the tweezers a couple of times to really see what’s going on with your brow. Remember less is better as its very easy to over tweeze.
To finish apply some Aloe Vera gel to calm the redness in your skin.
Tags how to shape eyebrows,how to shape your eyebrows shaping your eyebrows
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