In fact, the main ingredients in bath salts are Baking Soda, Table Salt and Epsom bath salts. These can all be found at a local supermarket and are safe to use. Some bath products, which are found in the marketplace, may contain harsh ingredients that could irritate the skin. However, by making bath salts yourself you will have the peace of mind in knowing that your homemade bath salts are perfectly safe to use.
Benefits of Mineral Salt Bath
Homemade bath salts are inexpensive, easy and fun to make. But, they are also fun to use. Bath salts are perfect to make for yourself or to give as a gift to friends and family. After a long day at work, taking care of the family or running errands, there is nothing like a luxurious bath to wash away your cares and all of the stress from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Bath salts contain soothing scents and comfort that will leave you feeling refreshed and full of life.
When making your own bath salts it is better to use Epsom bath Salts or even better Dead Sea Salts. Dead Sea Salts contain a lesser amount of sodium chloride than other salts. They also contain magnesium, potassium and calcium chlorides and a higher concentration of bromides – which makes these salts particular beneficial.
There have been recent studies that show that bromides play a part in the healing of psoriasis.
Epsom bath Salts consist of magnesium sulfate. One of the benefits of mineral salt bath is that it pulls soreness from muscles, making them great for relieving muscle aches and pains and for easing the stress. Another benefit of mineral salt bath which has Epsom salt as an ingredient is the magnesium in the salts also aids in the removal of acids through the skin.
How to Make Bath Salts in three easy steps
- To make bath salts start with a large mixing bowl and a spoon or other utensil. Add 675ml/3 cups of Epsom Bath Salts, 450ml/2 cups of baking soda and 225ml/1 cup of Table Salt into the bowl.
- When all the bath salt recipe ingredients are added, begin mixing them with your hand or a spoon.
- Next, slowly add food coloring of your choice to the bath salt mixture. Regular food coloring will work perfectly and should be added according to the color that you desire.
Aromatic Bath Salts and How to Color Bath Salts
If you want a dark color, continue to add drops until the color is achieved. If you want a lighter hue, add fewer drops. If, on the other hand, you need to combine multiple colors to achieve the desired tone, mix them prior to adding them to the bowl, otherwise, you may end up with multi-colored salts.
Finally after your coloring is added and mixed evenly using a spoon or other utensil, begin to add essential oils until the desired scent is achieved. The best way to determine is simply by using your own judgment.
Bath salts should be strongly scented because less salts will be required for each bath, which will enable them to last longer.
Using the steps and ingredients outlined above, you can also use a bowl with a lid and shake the mixture, food coloring and essential oils until it is perfectly combined. This will save you time stirring but, otherwise, the procedures are the same.
Bath Salt Recipe How to Store it
All these bath salt recipes should be stored in airtight containers after they have been made to ensure they last for longer.
Bath Salt Recipes…
Bath Salts Recipe Basic
Here is a simple bath salt recipe to get you started
Bath Salts Recipe Ingredients
- 225ml/1 cup Epsom Bath Salts
- 10-20 drops fragrance oil
- 225ml/1 cup Sea Salt
- 10 drops food coloring
Bath Salts Recipe Steps
Place the bath salts in a large bowl and mix well. Scoop out about 110ml/1/2 cup into a small bowl. Add the fragrance oil and food coloring to the salts in the small bowl and mix well.
Add the bath salt ingredients to the large bowl a little at a time until you are pleased with the color strength. Pour your bath salts in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Shake every day for one week before packaging.
To Use your Homemade Bath Salts
Draw a warm bath and add 55ml/1/4 cup of the fragrant bath salts to the running water. Hop in and relax, inhaling deeply to experience the soothing qualities of aromatherapy.
Chill Out Bath Salts Recipe
This bath salt recipe is a great one to help clear stress and worries of the day.
Chill Out Bath Salts Recipe Ingredients
- 450ml/2 cup Epsom Sea Salts
- 225ml/1 cup Sea Salt
- Blue food coloring – 10 drops
- Peppermint essential oil – 6 – 8 drops
- Rosemary essential oil – 6 – 8 drops
- Lavender essential oil – 6 – 8 drops
In a large bowl mix the salts together first, then add the other ingredients slowly. Mix very well the bath salt ingredients to ensure the oils are spread evenly.
Use 1-3 handfuls of bath salts per bath depending on how you like it. Store the remaining bath salts in an airtight container.
Bath Salts Eucalyptus and Orange Recipe
This bath salt recipe combined with essential oil will help clear blocked sinuses and soothe aching muscles.
Bath Salts Recipe Ingredients
- 225ml/1 cup fine Sea Salt
- 1/2 teaspoon liquid glycerin
- 110ml/1/2 cup Epsom Salts
- Eucalyptus essential oil – 8 drops
- Sweet orange essential oil – 8 drops
Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Use 1-3 handfuls per bath depending on your preference and store the remaining bath salts in an airtight container.
Night Night Bath Salt Recipe
This bath salt recipe will help you to relax and sleep
Bath Salts Recipe Ingredients
- 225ml/1 cup Kosher Salt
- 225ml/1 cup baking soda
- 3 drops pine balsam essential/fragrance oil
- 2 drops cinnamon essential/fragrance oil
- 2 drops cassis essential/fragrance oil
- 2 tablespoons of liquid glycerin (skin moisturizer) (optional)
Mix ingredients together blending well. Break up any clumps.
Note: Liquid glycerin is used as a skin moisturizer, it is a by-product of soap making. Glycerin can be found at health food stores, some supermarkets, or major department stores depending on where you live. It is also readily available on the internet.
Soothing Bath Salts Recipe
Bath Salts Recipe Ingredients
- 110ml/1/2 cup baking soda
- 110ml/1/2 cup dry milk
- 225ml/1 cup Epsom Salts
- 225ml/1 cup Sea Salt
Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl or zip lock bag and mix or shake well. Use 1-3 handfuls per bath depending on your preference and store the remaining bath salts in an airtight container.
Sea Blue Bath Salts Recipe
Bath Salts Recipe Ingredients
- 225ml/1 cup Epsom Salts
- 225ml/1 cup baking soda
- 4 drops blue food coloring
- 3 drops jasmine essential/ fragrance oil
- 4 drops vanilla essential/ fragrance oil
- 2 tablespoons liquid glycerin (skin moisturizer) (optional)
Combine all of the dry ingredients and mix well. Add color and scents one at a time. Keep stirring until mixed well. Break up any clumps and keep mixing until you have a semi fine powder. Add glycerin and mix well.
Use 1-3 handfuls per bath depending on your preference. Store the remaining bath salts in an airtight container.
How to Make Fizzy Bath Salts
If you are always on the go, these bath salts should help clear your head and give you a boost to get moving again.
Fizzy Bath Salt Ingredients
- 225ml/1 cup Epsom Sea Salts
- 225ml/1 cup Sea Salt
- 225ml/1 cup baking soda
- 110ml/1/2 cup citric acid
Food coloring: 4 drops blue, 6 drops green
- 8 drops of orange essential oil
- 6 drops of neroli essential oil
- 6 drops of lavender essential oil
- 4 drops of peppermint essential oil
Fizzy Bath Salts Steps
In a large bowl mix salts first, then add baking soda, food coloring and oils. Add the citric acid last and mix very well. Use 1-3 handfuls fizzy bath salts per bath depending on your preference and store the remaining bath salts in an airtight container.
Sensual Sultry Fizzy Bath Salts Recipe
- 225ml/1 cup Epsom Salts
- 225ml/1 cup Sea Salt
- 225ml/1 cup baking soda
- 110ml/1/2 cup citric acid
Food coloring: 4 drops blue, 6 drops red; makes purple 15 drops lavender Essential oils
- 8 drops ylang ylang essential oil
- 8 drops neroli essential oil
In a large bowl mix salts first, then add baking soda, food coloring and oils. Add the citric acid last and mix very well.
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