
Hertzog Cookies Recipe

To make Hertzog Cookies is really easy and they taste gorgeous just follow the simple recipe below

Hertzog Cookies Ingredients:

  • 4 cups self-raising flour
  • 100gr (1 tablespoon) butter (25gr=10 oz)
  • 350gr sugar
  • A Pinch of salt
  • Yolk from 3 eggs

Hertzog Cookies How to make it

  1. Rub butter into flour, add sugar and salt.
  2. Mix to a stiff cookie dough with beaten egg yolks.
  3. You many need to add a bit of milk if necessary to the cookie mix.
  4. Grease the patty tins, now roll and cut the Hertzog Cookies into circles big enough to line patty tins.

Hertzog Cookies Filling Ingredients

  • 3 quarter cup of castor sugar
  • White from 3 eggs
  • 1 cup coconut

Hertzog Cookie Filling How to make it

  1. Beat the egg whites so they are stiff while gradually adding sugar.
  2. Now add the coconut to the Hertzog Cookie filling.
  3. Place a bit (a little less than half a teaspoon) apricot jam in centre of lined patty tin and fill with coconut mixture.
  4. Decorate with a piece of glazed cherry if you want to.
  5. Bake the Hertzog Cookies at 200 c ( 350 f) for 10 minutes.

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Written by Alex

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