
How To Make Flea Powder

flea powderThis is a really easy recipe to make your own flea powder its really simple

Flea Powder Ingredients:

  • 1 part eucalyptus powder (ommit if used on cats)
  • 1 part pennyroyal powder (use sage or rosemary for cats)
  • 1 part fennel powder
  • 1 part yellow dock powder

You can pick these up from your local herb shop or you can get them on line by using Google Product search Don’t forget you can pick some of these herbs up from Ebay which is also listed on Google Product Search.

Combine all ingredients in a shaker top jar and shake to mix the flea powder.

To apply the flea powder to your pet’s fur by brushing backward with your hand or comb and sprinkling the powder into the roots of the hairs.

Make sure you concentrate on the neck, back, and belly. Use just enough powder to add a little odor to the hairs.

For severe flea infestations, treat daily with flea powder; otherwise, use two or three times a week.

As always please consult a qualified vet before using any type of medication

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Written by Alex


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